What does tandem learning mean?


In language learning in tandem, two students with different mother tongues learn together. For example, if you want to improve your Spanish, Russian or Polish, you can work with someone whose mother tongue is Spanish, Russian or Polish and who wants to learn your mother tongue.

How does tandem learning work?

For example, you meet for two hours a week and work for one hour in each language. You can also lead the tandem by e-mail or communicate with your tandem partner via videotool (video conference). We offer various (course) options for this. You will receive support in your learning in the language learning consultation from the tandem team.

Dates for "Sprachspielnachmittage" and conversation groups

Dear Tandem participants and everyone who is interested

The Tandem office would like to inform that we have planned some interesting events for you! In addition to the "Sprachspielenachmittage" we offered every second week *conversation groups* in which you can discuss specific topics.

For the conversation groups everyone is welcome but it is useful if you have at least language skills in German and English at the A2/B1 level.

*The events will take place every Friday in turns from 3:30 to 5 pm in room 209. Different dates of the Italian conversation groups are below. You can find the events in the StudIP group “ Konversationsrunden”.* Just register and you will get a weekly reminder.

If the course TA241-1 (F2F German-English) is completed, you get 3 ECTS-points. If you attend the conversation rounds regularly (4 dates) you will receive another ECTS point for the course.


As an *overview* here are all the events as planned:


  • 05.05.2023: Conversation group: Climate crisis and sustainability (e.g. Fridays for Future)
  • 19.05.2023: Conversation group: structural racism
  • 16.06.2023: Conversation group: favorite shows (Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc.)
  • 30.06.2023: Conversation group: role of women in society/ feminism/ gendering in language
  • 14.07.2023: Conversation group: Leibniz University compared to other universities
  • 03.11.2023: Conversation group: favorite series (Netflix, Amazon Prime or similar) // Cultural offerings in Hannover in comparison
  • 17.11.2023: Conversation group: Leibniz Universität Hannover in comparison to other universities/student life in Germany
  • 01.12.2023: Conversation group: KI-ChatGPT and its effects
  • 15.12.2023: Conversation round: Climate crisis and sustainability (e.g. Fridays for Future) // Societal values (What is important to you in your life?)
  • 12.01.2024: Conversation round: Role of women in society/ feminism/ gendering in language and/or roles of people with a migration background




                                                                          Italian conversation groups


The topics of the conversation groups are on the one hand aligned with the program of the current Italian courses, on the other hand they are dedicated to topics and communicative situations beyond that, which can be mastered at the respective level A1 to B1. The conversation groups are led by Italian language assistants who also support the students in the semester-long Italian courses.


Italian conversation groups - level A1 (with/without tandem partner)
Thursdays, 18:00-19:30, Room 209/LLC


  • 25 May 2023: "Hello, my name is ... ": We can introduce ourselves and other people, tell about ourselves and others, e.g. why we are learning Italian. We know the basic numbers up to 100.
  • 15 June 2023: "What are you having?": We can order something to eat and drink, ask what time it is, and tell the time.
  • 29 June 2023: "What is your daily routine?": We can describe our daily routine, formulate an invitation, accept or decline."
  • 13 July 2023: "What a beautiful city!": We can describe a city, ask for and describe directions, talk about weather and seasons.


Italian conversation groups - level A2/B1 (with/without tandem partner).
Thursdays, room 209/LLC; every 18:00-19:30


  • 11 May 2023: "Travel is life": We talk about travel, vacation and our own experiences abroad.
  • 25 May 2023: "WG gesucht": We are looking for an apartment that suits us. We describe our ideal apartment. We organize an apartment tour.
  • 08 June 2023: "Take a break!": We give advice and instructions / We invite friends to do things together.  
  • 22 June 2023: "Tell me a story": We talk about books and movies / We give opinions and suggestions.
  • 06 July 2023: "A look into the future": We talk about values, dreams and future projects.



For an overview we have listed the dates for the *Sprachspielenachmittage* here:  


  • 12.05.2023: Sprachspielenachmittag
  • 09.06.2023: Sprachspielenachmittag
  • 23.06.2023: Sprachspielenachmittag
  • 07.07.2023: Sprachspielenachmittag
  • 10.11.2023: Sprachspielenachmittag
  • 24.11.2023: Sprachspielenachmittag
  • 08.12.2023: Sprachspielenachmittag
  • 19.01.2024: Sprachspielenachmittag



If you have any questions or problems, please make use of our office hours or send us an e-mail under f2f-tandem@llc.uni-hannover.de!

We’re looking forward to seeing you!
Take care and stay healthy!

Best wishes
Your Tandem Team

Basic principles of tandem learning

1. Reciprocity principle

Half of the time is for one language, the other half of the time for the other language, because both tandem learners should benefit equally from the tandem. The tandem pair helps each other to achieve their own learning goals.

2. Autonomy principle

Everyone is responsible for his or her own learning. This principle is also called "self-directed learning". In tandem learning, the tandem pair decides on the learning content, the learning location and how much should be learned.

What are the advantages of tandem learning at the LLC?

  • Study-relevant advantages
    • Individual interests and university and subject-specific topics/texts can be brought into focus.
    • Topics from seminars and lectures can be studied in greater depth with the tandem partner.
    • Targeted preparation for examinations/presentations/exams with the help of the tandem partner.
    • The time flexibility often enables students to learn a language at all.
    • Promotion of independent learning organisation/autonomous self-learning.
    • Promoting learning through digitalisation.
  • Linguistic advantages
    • All languages at all levels can be learned. This is particularly relevant if no language course is offered at the LLC for the language of learning.
    • Authentic communication skills can be practised with a native speaker.
    • Acquired foreign language skills can be specifically deepened with the help of the tandem partner.
    • The opportunity to learn other varieties of the language (e.g. Brazilian Portuguese).
    • Learning in partnership.
  • Internationalisation strategy
    • Integration of incoming students through tandem learning with German students.
    • Integration of international academic staff.
    • Promotion of international mobility of students and academic staff.
    • Promoting interculturality and tolerance.
    • Increasing the attractiveness of the LUH through the integration of international students and academic staff.
    • Cooperation with many of LUH's cooperation partners and the DAAD.

What are the differences between the offers?


  • You communicate for four to six weeks on specific topics via e-mail and twice via videotool.
  • You correct each other.

The topics of the e-mails are prepared in your language course if it is a course-integrated tandem course. 


  • You will communicate three to eight times during the semester (depending on the course) via videotool.
  • The video conferences are prepared in the Spanish course.

The tandem partnership with the USA is course-independent.

Face-to-Face Tandem

  • Independent work and learning during face-to-face meetings in direct contact.
  • The tandem pair decides how often, when and where they get together.

The face-to-face tandem is not bound to semester times.

News and events

No news available.


Monika Schelm
Im Moore 11B, Raum 315
30167 Hannover
Office hours
Tue. 13:30 - 17:30
Wed. 09:30 - 13:00
Im Moore 11B, Raum 315
30167 Hannover
Office hours
Tue. 13:30 - 17:30
Wed. 09:30 - 13:00