
Leibniz Language Centre
Office hours
Secretariat II (Room 212):
Monday and Wednesday, 10 am-12 noon
and on appointment
Leibniz Language Centre
Im Moore 11B
30167 Hannover
Leibniz Language Centre
Office hours
Secretariat II (Room 212):
Monday and Wednesday, 10 am-12 noon
and on appointment
Leibniz Language Centre
Im Moore 11B
30167 Hannover

Access Route

Leibniz University of Hannover can be reached via public transport from Hannover main station in direction to Kröpcke; from there both tram lines 4 (destination Garbsen) and 5 (destination Stöcken) stop at “Leibniz Universität”.

The timetable for public transport can be found on the ÜSTRA web page.

Kartographische Bearbeitung: Institut für Kartographie und Geoinformatik, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Datengrundlage: ATKIS-Basis-DLM der LGLN-Landesvermessung + Geobasisinformationen, Hannover,  

Kartografische Übersichtskarte; Das LLC befindet sich in Gebäude 1138 Kartografische Übersichtskarte; Das LLC befindet sich in Gebäude 1138 Kartografische Übersichtskarte; Das LLC befindet sich in Gebäude 1138
Certificates of performance

For the issue of certificates of performance ("Schein"), please refer to the notes listed here.  

Further Consultation and Office Hours

LLC-IT-Services - Technical Questions?
Contacts of all members of the LLC
Interactive map of the LUH

At lot of inquiries at the Leibniz Language Centre are about translations. Unfortunately, the Leibniz Language Centre does not offer a general translation service. Please contact resident translation- and interpreter offices or competent private persons.

You can find the interpreter and translations data base of the regional administration of justice here:​​​​​​​

Overview of grades and certificates
Please contact the Examination Office first for translations of official documents from the Leibniz University of Hanover to inquire whether there are existing English documents. The mid-term solution shall be to offer all bachelor and master degree documents in both German and English.