Leibniz Language Centre Language courses
Language course registration

Registration for Language Courses (Stud.IP)

Finding the right course

First, choose the right language course and the appropriate level from our list of courses. We cordially invite you to our information day on

Monday, 7 April 2025, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the 2nd floor of the LLC, where you can also get individual advice.

You can take placement tests for German, English and Spanish in Stud.IP; we have also put together placement tests for other languages.

Assessment and Registration

After you have found the right language course for your needs, you must register. Registration for language courses at the LLC is exclusively organised via Stud.IP. That means every student must apply for their desired course via Stud.IP. To do this, log on to StudIP, go to "Course search" at the bottom right, and then go to "Lehrangebote für Studierende aller Fakultäten". There you will find the "Leibniz Language Centre" and its courses.

Please note

If you want to apply for a course at A1 (A1.1. or A1.2), please do not take a placement test. However, if you are not an absolute beginner, passing a placement test in Stud.IP at the required level is mandatory for German, English and Spanish. For all other languages, either a certificate of achievement from the immediately preceding course or a passed placement test at the required level (see placement tests for languages other than German, English, Spanish)must be presented at the first session. In case of doubt, the instructor may additionally conduct an oral placement test (please also see our Guidelines). In the event of technical problems, it is possible to take the placement test again in absolutely exceptional cases.

The results of our placement tests are binding; we do not recognise other certificates such as TOEFL or DSH for the registration.

How can I take the placement test in Stud.IP?

How do I register for courses in Stud.IP?

Distribution of places

Registration for semester courses in summer semester 2025 is possible from 21st March 2025 (from 12:00 noon) until 11th April 2025 (12:00 noon). On 11th April 2025 at 12:00 noon there will be a lottery in which spots will be allocated. If courses have vacancies, you may sign up or be put on the wait list until 2nd May 2025.
At the start of the registration period, a form for prioritized course registration will be made available here; you can use it if you urgently need to take a language course.
However, if more "Preferred course registration" forms are received than there are places available in the course, the order in which the complete forms are received will be decisive. Please send us your completed application for prioritized course registration by e-mail (zertifikat@llc.uni-hannover.de). In addition, we need an e-mail from a staff member of your institute/faculty confirming your application OR a confirmation directly on the form. The completed form and, if applicable, the confirming e-mail of the institute/faculty staff member must be received by us by 9th April at 12:00 noon. Please note: The form for prioritized course registration may only be submitted after you have registered for the course in StudIP.

Information for Guest Students and Students of other Universities in Hannover

Guest students of Leibniz Universität Hannover or students of other Hanoverian universities can register for remaining places from the Monday of the second week of lectures. Guest students should first register at the guest student office within the ZEW (Central Office for Continuing Education) in order to gain access to Stud.IP.  Students from other Hanover universities should first contact the respective teacher.The teachers will then contact the LLC secretariat by email so that the students can get access to Stud.IP. Guest students of Leibniz Universität Hannover or students of other Hannover universities may have to take a placement test in order to gain access to the desired course.

Please note the guidelines for our language courses and the fee regulation at the LLC.