General Information
The E-Test comprises of five short gap filling texts with varying difficulty levels, which are tailored after the so-called C-test. That means that the second half of each word must be correctly replaced both semantically and grammatically in order to form a meaningful text. Texts will be chosen at random from a pool of texts and will be newly put together for each of your two tries.
You have 5 minutes to work with each text. Therefore, you have a total amount of 25 minutes for the entire test. If you fail to complete the test within this time frame, you will have automatically failed.
If you have successfully completed the test and saved your score correctly, you will see your results in percentage points. Additionally, you receive the option to download your results as a PDF. Your results will automatically synchronised with Stud.IP and transformed into your level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This may take the system several hours depending on the traffic on the server. You will be able to see your level on your personal Stud.IP profil at the latest one day after having taking the test.
You will be shown courses for your respective level from the current program of the LLC. You may not register for courses that do not match your current level. If you are interested in an A1-course, please do not take the placement test.
Registration for the E-Test
You can find the placement test on Stud.IP. Put the keywords 'Einstufungstest Deutsch', 'Einstufungstest Englisch' or 'Einstufungstest Spanisch' in the search bar (without the quotation marks) to easily find the respective groups. Access the group, choose 'ILIAS' in the top hand menu bar and follow the instructions.
Validity of the E-Test
All placement test results will be deleted biannually, on March 1st (for applications for the summer semester) and on September 1st (for applications for the winter semester). That means you need to take the placement test for each semester you wish to take language courses at the LLC. This is mandatory as your language level increases with every course you take and you shall receive the chance to advance to a higher level course in the following semesters. This also applies to lateral entry into the UNIcert® program, for which only results from the current course registration phase can be accepted.
Please note that the e-test is used exclusively for the purpose of course placement and lateral entry into the UNIcert® program at the LLC. The test is not accepted for other purposes (such as applying for a study spot). Please consider the accepted language certificates for your desired studies.
Test Format
The placement test is designed after the so-called C-test. That is a standardised test which allows for a relatively quick and accurate assessment of general language competences. It comprises a total of five short texts in which each second half of each second word is missing and needs to be both semantically and grammatically correctly reconstructed. If a word has an uneven number of letters, the lesser number of letters needs to be completed.
Die Leibniz Universität hat eine sehr gute Mensa.
Die Leib___ Univer_____ hat ei__ sehr gu__ Men__.
Each text has one or two sentences at the beginning and at the end to allow for an easier understanding. The texts are about various topics and have different difficulty levels. Each correctly filled-in gap receives one point. At the end of the text you receive a result in percentage points which will be transformed into a level between A2 and C2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Please consider the additional remarks for a placement test in Spanish: Spanish contains not only accents but also some letters and combinations that do not exist in either German or English. You may find the special characters under the Omega sign. The spellings 'rr' and 'll' are considered two letters.
All texts in our data base were tested and calibrated by a group of experts and allow for a reliable assessment of your general language knowledge. For all three languages (German, English and Spanish) we offer a sample text to try out, which is not included in the evaluation.
May I use aids during the test?
It is not forbidden to use a dictionary, for instance, but we do not recommend doing so. The allotted time to take the test usually does not allow to use aids. We also urge you to not have another person take the test for you because that will not give you a realistic idea of your actual knowledge, and therefore you will not be able to choose a fitting course.
I encountered technical difficulties when taking the test and now I do not have any more tries left. What can I do?
Please email the coordinator for 'Testen und Prüfen', state your full name and briefly explain your problem. In exceptional cases we can unlock two more tries.
I do not have any previous knowledge and wish to take an A1-course. Do I still have to take a placement test?
No, please do not take a placement test. An (incomplete) rejected placement test may block your ability to sign up for an A1-course. Should that be the case, please contact the coordinator for 'Testen und Prüfen' to have your results deleted and have the possibility to sign up for an A1-course.
I have completed the test twice, but my results were better/worse than I anticipated. Now I cannot take the course I wanted.
If you completed the test without any additional help, please contact the coordinator for the respective language and receive advice about alternative courses that match your current level. If you received help from another person while taking the test, please contact the coordinator for 'Testen und Prüfen' and ask for an activation of two more tries, so you can repeat the test without help.
I have a form for preferred course registration. Do I still have to take the placement test?
Yes, you need to do the placement test and ideally before handing in your form for preferred registration. To speed up the process, please save your PDF-file with your results immediately after having taken the test and hand it in together with your form of preferred registration.
Are other certificates accepted?
No, the placement test in German (as a Foreign Language), English and Spanish are obligatory. Other certificates may not be accepted for course registration.
Further Placement Tests in Other Languages from External Providers
In addition to the LLC placement tests in German as a foreign language, English and Spanish, further placement tests in other languages are available from external providers. If you are not a complete beginner and would like to assess your personal language level in your target language, we recommend a series of placement tests on the Internet.
Contact in case of technical difficulties
30167 Hannover
Contact for inquiries about the courses and registration
30167 Hannover
30167 Hannover
30167 Hannover