Turkish-Conversation in WiSe 24/25

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The moderated conversation groups give you the opportunity to discuss current subjects. Students from the language courses in Turkish of the level B1 and all students from the LUH with the level B1 or higher in Turkish are welcome.

Overview of the dates:


Friday, 22.11.2024, 14:15-15:45, room F023, Welfenschloss (Gebäude 1101), from level B1

Subject: Who is sitting in front? Cultral Norms, Stereotypes and taboos compared

Friday, 10.01.2025, 14:15-15:45 room F023, Welfenschloss (Gebäude 1101), from level B1

Subject: Language and Power in the age of AI: Is the human-like translation the end of the Lingua Franca?

Here you can find the whole offer of the conversation groups.